How I Set up a New Mac in 2024 2024-02-19 Initial OSX Tweaks
in preferences, show filename extensions
show path bar
show dot files (Cmd + shift + dot)
Hide dock, make smaller, turn on magnification, remove almost all default dock applications
Disable hot corners. System Settings -> Desktop & Dock -> Hot Corners…
Disable swipe between pages. System Settings -> Trackpad -> More Gestures
Initial Basics
Install 1Password
Install browser (Arc)
Log into google, GitHub
Install Raycast
install brew
install iterm2
install solarized theme: “Open iTerm 2, open Preferences, click on the “Profiles” icon in the preferences toolbar, then select the “colors” tab. Click on the “load presets” and select “import…“. Select the Solaris Light or Dark theme file.”
install zsh
install oh my zsh
clone my repo . I don’t have anything automated so I just manually copy the files over
Set up Python
brew install python
to install python 3
which python3
to make sure it’s using the one from brew
install pyenv
brew install pyenv
Add the following to .zhrc
eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
install poetry
Set up Javascript
install nvm and use it to install the major node versions
VS Code
run install 'code' command in PATH
turn on settings sync
brew install gh
I don’t ever actually use Github’s CLI but it makes setting up SSH a breeze
httpie. Install for terminal: brew install httpie